What Dads Should and Should Not Do During a Divorce
A marriage on the rocks can ultimately lead to a divorce. As a father going through the potentially gut-wrenching divorce process, it’s important to understand what to do and what not to do. Take the following practical considerations into account to ensure a successful outcome.
Children look up to their fathers, viewing them as heroes. When a divorce looms, however, it is tempting to pick fights with a soon-to-be ex. Instead of getting back at the other parent, the whole family—including the children—get hurt. Here are additional actions to avoid doing during divorce.
What should dads not do during divorce?
Do not ignore the children
A once-doting father can become consumed by the separation, quickly moving out of the family home, diving into work-related projects, or starting a brand-new relationship. Distractions like these can cause a father to inadvertently spend less time with the kids.
These actions can potentially harm a father during divorce proceedings. Custody is generally awarded to parents who are involved—and dads who skip out on child rearing, consciously or not, may suffer the repercussions. It’s important to stay active in raising the children.
Do not fail to pay child support
Mounting legal fees, the ongoing costs associated with transitioning from a two-person to a one-person household, and time spent on divorce processes can bungle a father’s finances. Dads can easily make the mistake of neglecting to make child support payments.
Judges do not look favorably upon fathers who miss paying child support. As a result, the parenting arrangement may not turn out as desired. The courts may also look sympathetically at the single mother. Even worse, an arrest may follow failing to pay child support.
Do not prolong divorce proceedings
Some dads simply do not want a divorce and intentionally drag out the proceedings. They may be motivated by spite and aim to cause financial and emotional havoc on their ex. Prolonging divorce backfires, as the process can get expensive quickly.
Do not refuse legal support
Do not avoid consulting an attorney or mediator. Denial is a common phase when fathers are hit with divorce papers. Marital differences are best resolved with the help of a divorce lawyer or mediator, but many dads are unwilling to acknowledge that their spouse wishes to legally separate.
Some dads believe they lack the financial resources to pay for a qualified mediator or divorce attorney. Even men who possess robust finances do not want to shell out funds to work with a professional. Others choose to prolong the divorce process out of sheer vindictiveness.
Do not hide assets
When a father ultimately works with a mediator or divorce lawyer, a mistake often made is hiding the truth. Qualified professionals are unable to do their job to the best of their abilities when their clients fail to be transparent about their financial accounts.
What should dads focus on during divorce?
Stay organized
Organization is a helpful skill, especially during the chaos of divorce proceedings. Keeping track of correspondence, legal filings, and critical documents can reduce the stress during the process. Plus, dads are clear about court deadlines and progress during negotiations when they stay organized.
Speak with a financial advisor
Financial risks are inevitable during a divorce. Child support payments, division of assets, and alimony can create financial confusion. Dads are advised to speak with a financial planner to gain knowledge about tax implications and to help them navigate the financially challenging landscape of divorce.
Consider mediation
Litigation is an overall stressful process, draining not only the dad’s bank account but his emotional reserves. When possible, refrain from litigation. Rather, consider legal options that are less expensive and emotionally efficient, such as mediation or a collaborative divorce.
Communicate with respect
It’s easy for dads to become belligerent with an ex as the divorce progresses. Despite the seeming impossibility of reaching a resolution, it’s important to communicate with respect and professionalism. Maintain an ongoing dialogue with the other parent, especially regarding the children.
Practice self-care
Focus on practicing self-care. Divorce is so emotionally taxing that many dads shut down. Instead of succumbing to the burden, find relief by opening up to friends, family, and professional counselors. Relying on a support network is one the best ways to provide self-care.
The rollercoaster of emotions during a divorce is overwhelming. In addition to leaning on the support of family and friends, dads are encouraged to eat nutritiously, exercise, and get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Physical health can help dads better cope with difficult emotions.
Talk to Our Divorce Attorneys
Following the abovementioned suggestions can prepare fathers emotionally and financially for a successful divorce. It’s also important to find and work with qualified legal professionals. A skilled divorce attorney is an invaluable advocate who can help make the transition easier.
When you are preparing for divorce, consult the reputable divorce attorneys from Allen Gabe, PC. Our firm specializes in divorce and can help you reach a favorable outcome. Working with experienced legal professionals gives you a better chance of reaching solutions that benefit you.
If you are divorcing a spouse who fails to fully disclose their financial information, our lawyers can obtain the information through subpoenas, depositions, and requests for documents. We can also help you reach a settlement regarding the division of property, child custody, and child support.
The Allen Gabe, PC, divorce attorneys accompany you during court appearances and provide sound legal advice. A marital settlement agreement can be drafted, thereby ending the divorce process. If disagreements arise, we fight for you during trial by calling witnesses, making arguments, and presenting evidence.
Divorce is a complicated process and tough to navigate alone. But with a knowledgeable divorce lawyer from Allen Gabe, PC, on your side, you increase your chances of obtaining a desirable outcome for you and your children. Contact our Schaumburg, Illinois, office to speak with one of our attorneys.